Wednesday, May 8, 2013



To 80% of you 'genes' is simply 'jeans' misspelled.Another 19% know of it as a complex double helix chemical chain with a really long name.The remaining 1% are genetic engineers and others who say that genes are solely responsible for all traits and characteristics seen in all life forms.
So what exactly are these genes?

Simply put genes are 'organic computer programs' . They use alternating patterns of sugars instead of alternating binary digits (i.e. 1/0)
They can be edited,manipulated,cut,copied and executed just like any computer program.
However their action is specific which means that you cannot expect to see a cat's gene to display characteristics on a fish because that is like expecting an I phone to run on Android.

Just as a computer program performs various tasks on the computer hardware,genes execute their specific functions on complex amino/protein structures which is basically any form of life.
ex: An addition program performs the task of addition on a computer similarly a gene is responsible for you looking or behaving a certain way.

Therefore, genetic code can be termed as software which runs only on one form of hardware-ALL LIFE FORMS.
and genetic engineers constantly try to bring about changes in this software which in turn brings about changes in the resultant life form.
That is why we are able to see square watermelons and pink zebras.


The structure and shape of 'genes' was first discovered by two eminent scientists

Their shape is snake like or 'double helix' to be precise.
They are chemically complex but what you need to know is that
just as a binary code consists of alternating 1's and 0's
A genetic code consists of four alternating sugars ADENINE (A), GUANINE (G), CYTOSINE(C) and THYMINE(T) between two long chains of sugars called neucleotides running in opposite directions to each other.

Within a cell genetic material is stored in the form of thread like strands called 'CHROMOSOMES'
Assuming that only humans are reading my blog....we all have 23 pairs of chromosomes that are the reason for all our traits and characteristics.


Most of you may be familiar with the term mutations if you have watched X-MEN.
Mutations are changes in these genetic structures caused by external mechanical forces.
For example, The atomic bomb that exploded at Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to the birth of thousands of physically deformed children.


Just as the objective of an addition program is to perform the task of addition.
The objective of genetic material is to ensure survival of their host cells i.e. the cells in which they reside.
which means that your genetic material ensures your survival in the environment that you live in.

We all are familiar with the phrase
this can be attributed to the strengthening of genes to ensure our survival.
We already know that the only way to edit a gene is by the application of external mechanical force i.e.
any physical force.It can be pressure,sound etc

Therefore your mother forcing you to finish up your plate of broccoli is also a form of genetic editing to ensure your survival by strengthening your body. 

That's all we have for today! I hope you understood what I tried to convey.
If there is any concept under the sun that you do not understand, Just leave a comment on the blog and FLIPOSOPHY will ensure that you know everything you need to know about the concept in just a weeks time.

Remember that all complex buildings have simple foundations.

Your comments and queries encourage me to write more.



Monday, March 25, 2013


              IS TIME TRAVEL POSSIBLE ? THE ANSWER IS FINALLY  HERE                                          

An explanation to a paradox that has baffled the best of physicists and also has been the base for many sci-fi movies- TIME TRAVEL.

at would be used to achieve time travel is commonly known as a time machine.  “ 

    "The earth is subject to periodic 'light' and 'no-light' cycles by virtue of its rotation and revolution around a luminous star -THE SUN ,These cycles are referred to as day and night by us.

Keeping in par with the law of conservation of matter which states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed  there only can be a structural and postional variance in matter i.e. the only possible variance in us or any form of matter is in its form (structural) and its position (positional)
Take you for example.
The only physical and observable changes in you with respect to an earlier point in time is the change in your position i.e you might be living elsewhere and your structure i.e you have grown in size. The rest is all intangible feelings,emotions and assumptions.
What is time?
Time is simply an universally accepted reference scale designed to help keep track of these structural and positional variances along various day and night cycles.
Time is just a generally accepted scale of reference.
and the current view on time travel is an attempt to travel into this reference scale.It is as futile as assuming that you could travel into 'length' or 'weight'.


The only possible way we could witness time travel is if all people decide to set their calendars and other time keeping devices to a point further or earlier in time.
Time advances by the second with respect to the perception of everybody.
Any individual advancement or ‘travel back’ is not physically feasible.
                                           -Aiyappa Bachettira

                     The '23:41 theory on Time Travel'
                                Assume that, Today is the 23rd of April 2013.
Subject 'x' wants to travel back in time to 23:41 29th July,1992.
The only possibility for this to happen is all the people in the world agree upon the idea of setting all clocks and other time keeping devices like calendars back to 23:41 29th July,1992.
If subject 'X' wants to travel further in time to 23:41 14th August,2026.
The only possibility for this to happen is if all the people in the world agree upon the idea of setting all clocks and other time keeping devices further in time to 23:41 14th August,2026.

So therefore Time is just a reference parameter used to keep track of structural and positional variances in space.Physically 'Time' is nothing and time travel is a futile attempt to travel into nothing.

I hope all of you have understood what I have tried to convey.
Queries and comments welcome :

More on FLIPOSOPHY soon.
